Landseer Gardens Improvement Project

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Improvements to Landseer Gardens

We are committed to building a greener, healthier borough and improving our parks and greenspaces for all residents to use. Local councillors have allocated £30,000 of S106 money from developers to improve Landseer Gardens.

The improvements that we are hoping to make to the park, include:

  • Additional playground equipment (with a focus on inclusivity and sensory play where possible)
  • Additional/improved seating
  • New sensory focused planting
  • New tree planting

The consultation has now closed and the results of the survey will be analysed and used to determine the improvements best suited for the space.

If you have any questions about the project then please use the 'Questions about Landseer Gardens' section below. To be added to the mailing list or to request a paper copy of the survey please email:

Improvements to Landseer Gardens

We are committed to building a greener, healthier borough and improving our parks and greenspaces for all residents to use. Local councillors have allocated £30,000 of S106 money from developers to improve Landseer Gardens.

The improvements that we are hoping to make to the park, include:

  • Additional playground equipment (with a focus on inclusivity and sensory play where possible)
  • Additional/improved seating
  • New sensory focused planting
  • New tree planting

The consultation has now closed and the results of the survey will be analysed and used to determine the improvements best suited for the space.

If you have any questions about the project then please use the 'Questions about Landseer Gardens' section below. To be added to the mailing list or to request a paper copy of the survey please email:

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Landseer Gardens Improvement Project – Park User Survey, Autumn 2023

    Islington Council is committed to building a greener, healthier borough and improving our parks and greenspaces for all residents to use. Local councillors have allocated £30,000 from developers to improve Landseer Gardens.   

    We’d like to hear your views on the park; how you use it now, how you'd like to use it in the future, and how you feel it could be improved. Please complete this survey by Sunday 12 November 2023, alternatively, you can request a paper copy of the survey to be sent to your home.

    Your responses will be anonymous. Your feedback and ideas will help to inform concept designs later this year. Responding to the survey indicates you are consenting to take part and join the mailing list for future updates on the progress of the Landseer Gardens project. 

    To receive more information regarding this site, request a paper copy of the survey, or to be added to the mailing list, please email: 

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Page last updated: 04 Jan 2024, 02:06 PM