Dockless hire bike parking bays consultation

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As part of our commitment to make Islington a greener and healthier borough, we are working to improve the environment in Islington by reducing traffic pollution and promoting the benefits of physical activity through increased walking and cycling measures ensuring that everyone in the borough has the same opportunity to access transport.

Dockless hire bikes provide a flexible, healthy and affordable travel option for people living, working and visiting Islington and we have seen a significant increase in the use of dockless hire bikes in the borough in recent years. The hire bikes can be accessed using a mobile phone app to unlock the nearest available bike shown on a map and users are guided to where to park after a trip and charged for usage.

To ensure the benefits of dockless hire bikes do not negatively impact others, we are proposing to implement designated parking bays in the borough, providing specific locations for users to hire and return bikes. This will require repurposing some on road parking bays to keep pavements clear of parked hire bikes. We are proposing to convert one resident parking bay for use as a designated dockless hire bike bay.

If the project goes ahead, we propose to implement the dockless hire bike bay in October 2023.Therefore, between 31August- 21September we are offering you a chance to have your say on the proposals and to influence the development of dockless hire bike parking bays infrastructure in the borough.

As part of our commitment to make Islington a greener and healthier borough, we are working to improve the environment in Islington by reducing traffic pollution and promoting the benefits of physical activity through increased walking and cycling measures ensuring that everyone in the borough has the same opportunity to access transport.

Dockless hire bikes provide a flexible, healthy and affordable travel option for people living, working and visiting Islington and we have seen a significant increase in the use of dockless hire bikes in the borough in recent years. The hire bikes can be accessed using a mobile phone app to unlock the nearest available bike shown on a map and users are guided to where to park after a trip and charged for usage.

To ensure the benefits of dockless hire bikes do not negatively impact others, we are proposing to implement designated parking bays in the borough, providing specific locations for users to hire and return bikes. This will require repurposing some on road parking bays to keep pavements clear of parked hire bikes. We are proposing to convert one resident parking bay for use as a designated dockless hire bike bay.

If the project goes ahead, we propose to implement the dockless hire bike bay in October 2023.Therefore, between 31August- 21September we are offering you a chance to have your say on the proposals and to influence the development of dockless hire bike parking bays infrastructure in the borough.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    In this survey we are asking for your views on the dockless e-bike parking bays pilot proposals that we have published on our Let's Talk Islington project page.

    The closing date for this survey is 11.59pm on Thursday 21 September 2023. 

    We encourage everyone to answer this survey, as your answers will help us to improve our draft proposals for the scheme. The survey should take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Questions which are mandatory are marked with an asterisk *.

    If you would like this information in a different format – another language or reading format, such as audiotape, Braille, large print, or Easy Read,or request for a hard copy (paper copy) of the questionnaire, please write to: 


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Page last updated: 11 Sep 2024, 02:26 PM