Homes and Neighbourhoods Resident Engagement Strategy

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A hand holding a pen ticking a checklist

Islington Council is committed to making the borough a fairer place, creating an environment where everyone, whatever their background, has the same opportunity to reach their potential and have a good quality of life.

To build a more equal future is rooted in a good understanding of what our residents want. Our strategy sets out the key priorities around resident engagement and how you can get involved and help us shape and deliver improved services.

We want to hear your voice and actively support you to get involved and help us build a more resident-focused housing service.

Please could you complete the survey and let us know what you think about our Resident Engagement Strategy.

To read the strategy, click on Documents

To see our commitments summary, please click this link: FAQs | Homes and Neighbourhoods Resident Engagement Strategy | Let's Talk Islington

Islington Council is committed to making the borough a fairer place, creating an environment where everyone, whatever their background, has the same opportunity to reach their potential and have a good quality of life.

To build a more equal future is rooted in a good understanding of what our residents want. Our strategy sets out the key priorities around resident engagement and how you can get involved and help us shape and deliver improved services.

We want to hear your voice and actively support you to get involved and help us build a more resident-focused housing service.

Please could you complete the survey and let us know what you think about our Resident Engagement Strategy.

To read the strategy, click on Documents

To see our commitments summary, please click this link: FAQs | Homes and Neighbourhoods Resident Engagement Strategy | Let's Talk Islington

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Page last updated: 22 Aug 2024, 04:15 PM