Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan Review

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The Islington Local Plan sets out a vision and framework to guide how future development in the borough is managed to ensure housing, employment and other needs are met. As part of the preparation of the borough Local Plan, the Council is required to ensure that the needs of Gypsies and Travellers in Islington are met. This is being done through a focused review of the Local Plan (2023) on this issue, which started in March 2024 with the consultation on the ‘Scope of the Review’ paper.

As part of the current stage of the Review we are seeking feedback on two issues. Firstly, we are consulting on the Draft Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment Methodology, and secondly we are inviting suggestions for land that could potentially be used for Gypsy and Traveller sites through a 'Call for Sites'.

Draft Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment Methodology consultation

What is the purpose of this consultation?

The purpose of this consultation is to provide an opportunity to give feedback on the Draft Site Assessment Methodology which sets out the criteria and process that will be used to assess potential sites for their suitability for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation.

What is included in this consultation?

The consultation paper sets out the draft methodology for the Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment. This was produced by Three Dragons, building on engagement with Gypsy and Traveller residents, a peer review of other local authority site searches, and feedback received as part of the Scope of the Review consultation.

Is there any further information?

Yes. We have prepared a ‘Draft Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment Methodology’ consultation paper available to download from the documents section.

Get Involved

To provide comments on the ‘Draft Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment Methodology’ please read the consultation paper. There are three ways to respond:

Call for sites

We are inviting residents, landowners, developers, businesses, and local community groups to make suggestions for land that could potentially be used for Gypsy and Traveller sites through a Call for Sites. We are encouraging all suggestions for sites to be submitted. Following the assessment of all sites against the site search methodology, any potential sites will be consulted on as part of the Draft Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan.

Please read the 'Call for Sites Guidance Document' for further information. To submit site suggestions for the Call for Sites, please fill in the ‘Call for sites’ survey. Please provide images of the site and its boundaries (e.g. photos, Google Street View screenshots, maps with a red line around the site), or a link to site address on Google. The online survey allows you to upload files with your response. It would help us if you can send as much information as possible.

If you would like to submit your response to the Call for Sites in a different format, or if you wish to submit more than 5 sites, you can send your response by:

  • email: or,
  • post by writing to the following address: Freepost RTXU-ETKU-KECB, Planning Policy, Islington Council, 2nd Floor, Town Hall, Upper Street, London, N1 2UD

Consultation information

The consultation period for feedback on the 'Draft Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment Methodology' and the Call for Sites closes on 6 March 2025. We will consider feedback received and take it into account as part of the review process.

Please note that inappropriate comments that make use of stereotypes to characterise the Gypsy and Traveller community will be rejected.

If you respond to this consultation we will notify you about future consultations on this issue unless you request not to be notified.

Please note that comments will be made publicly available. We will remove names and personal contact information. For more information on the basis on which we process, use and store your information, please refer to the council’s privacy policy: Privacy policy | Let's Talk Islington.

The Islington Local Plan sets out a vision and framework to guide how future development in the borough is managed to ensure housing, employment and other needs are met. As part of the preparation of the borough Local Plan, the Council is required to ensure that the needs of Gypsies and Travellers in Islington are met. This is being done through a focused review of the Local Plan (2023) on this issue, which started in March 2024 with the consultation on the ‘Scope of the Review’ paper.

As part of the current stage of the Review we are seeking feedback on two issues. Firstly, we are consulting on the Draft Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment Methodology, and secondly we are inviting suggestions for land that could potentially be used for Gypsy and Traveller sites through a 'Call for Sites'.

Draft Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment Methodology consultation

What is the purpose of this consultation?

The purpose of this consultation is to provide an opportunity to give feedback on the Draft Site Assessment Methodology which sets out the criteria and process that will be used to assess potential sites for their suitability for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation.

What is included in this consultation?

The consultation paper sets out the draft methodology for the Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment. This was produced by Three Dragons, building on engagement with Gypsy and Traveller residents, a peer review of other local authority site searches, and feedback received as part of the Scope of the Review consultation.

Is there any further information?

Yes. We have prepared a ‘Draft Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment Methodology’ consultation paper available to download from the documents section.

Get Involved

To provide comments on the ‘Draft Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment Methodology’ please read the consultation paper. There are three ways to respond:

Call for sites

We are inviting residents, landowners, developers, businesses, and local community groups to make suggestions for land that could potentially be used for Gypsy and Traveller sites through a Call for Sites. We are encouraging all suggestions for sites to be submitted. Following the assessment of all sites against the site search methodology, any potential sites will be consulted on as part of the Draft Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan.

Please read the 'Call for Sites Guidance Document' for further information. To submit site suggestions for the Call for Sites, please fill in the ‘Call for sites’ survey. Please provide images of the site and its boundaries (e.g. photos, Google Street View screenshots, maps with a red line around the site), or a link to site address on Google. The online survey allows you to upload files with your response. It would help us if you can send as much information as possible.

If you would like to submit your response to the Call for Sites in a different format, or if you wish to submit more than 5 sites, you can send your response by:

  • email: or,
  • post by writing to the following address: Freepost RTXU-ETKU-KECB, Planning Policy, Islington Council, 2nd Floor, Town Hall, Upper Street, London, N1 2UD

Consultation information

The consultation period for feedback on the 'Draft Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment Methodology' and the Call for Sites closes on 6 March 2025. We will consider feedback received and take it into account as part of the review process.

Please note that inappropriate comments that make use of stereotypes to characterise the Gypsy and Traveller community will be rejected.

If you respond to this consultation we will notify you about future consultations on this issue unless you request not to be notified.

Please note that comments will be made publicly available. We will remove names and personal contact information. For more information on the basis on which we process, use and store your information, please refer to the council’s privacy policy: Privacy policy | Let's Talk Islington.

  • To respond to this survey please read the 'Draft Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment Methodology' paper.

    We will keep personal details secure and will only use them for relevant planning purposes. No personal contact information will be made public, only the content of the response will be published as part of the future plan review process. 

    Please note that inappropriate comments that make use of stereotypes to characterise the Gypsy and Traveller community will be rejected.

    If you have no response to make at this stage and would like to be kept informed of the Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan Review, please provide your contact details and we will add them to the planning policy consultation database. Your contact details will only be processed in relation to this consultation.

    Take Survey
    Share Draft Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment Methodology consultation on Facebook Share Draft Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment Methodology consultation on Twitter Share Draft Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment Methodology consultation on Linkedin Email Draft Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment Methodology consultation link
  • Please read the 'Call for Sites Guidance' document for further information before submitting your site suggestions. 

    We will keep personal details secure and will only use them for relevant planning purposes. No personal contact information will be made public, only the content of the response will be published as part of the future plan review process. 

    Please note that inappropriate comments that make use of stereotypes to characterise the Gypsy and Traveller community will be rejected.

    If you have no response to make at this stage and would like to be kept informed of the Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan Review, please provide your contact details and we will add them to the planning policy consultation database. Your contact details will only be processed in relation to this consultation. 

    Complete Form
    Share Call for Sites on Facebook Share Call for Sites on Twitter Share Call for Sites on Linkedin Email Call for Sites link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We will keep personal details secure and will only use them for relevant planning purposes. No personal contact information will be made public, only the content of the response will be published as part of the future plan review process. 

    Please note that inappropriate comments that make use of stereotypes to characterise the Gypsy and Traveller community will be rejected.

    If you would like to be kept informed of the Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan review, please provide your contact details at the end of this survey and we will add them to the planning policy consultation database.

    Share Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan Review - Survey on Facebook Share Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan Review - Survey on Twitter Share Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan Review - Survey on Linkedin Email Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan Review - Survey link
Page last updated: 24 Jan 2025, 02:21 PM