Communal Heating

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In September 2022 we changed the dates and times your heating is on, to help keep your costs down as energy prices increased significantly. We took this step to protect residents from the worst effects of the energy crisis. This was especially important as energy usage in blocks with communal heating is typically higher than average household usage, meaning residents could have faced soaring bills if we hadn’t acted.

With the reduction in the heating season and hours, and with residents being more careful with the heating and hot water they use, we were able to limit the increase in the charges we pass on to you. Thank you for your contribution to this, we know it hasn’t been easy for everyone to adapt to the new hours.

As the price we are paying for gas has reduced in April, we are now seeking your views on whether you would like to keep the same service after prices fall or have a slightly enhanced service. The enhanced service would cost a little more but provides additional background heating and other benefits.

Have your say

Please take part in our survey to tell us which service you would prefer by 11.59pm on Sunday 9 June.

Each household can only respond once – either online, by email or by post.

Costs of each option were provided with the information you will have received in the post. Copies of these are provided for tenants for each system type, and leaseholders covering both system types, in the Documents section on the right hand side.

A document with frequently asked questions is attached for information.

In September 2022 we changed the dates and times your heating is on, to help keep your costs down as energy prices increased significantly. We took this step to protect residents from the worst effects of the energy crisis. This was especially important as energy usage in blocks with communal heating is typically higher than average household usage, meaning residents could have faced soaring bills if we hadn’t acted.

With the reduction in the heating season and hours, and with residents being more careful with the heating and hot water they use, we were able to limit the increase in the charges we pass on to you. Thank you for your contribution to this, we know it hasn’t been easy for everyone to adapt to the new hours.

As the price we are paying for gas has reduced in April, we are now seeking your views on whether you would like to keep the same service after prices fall or have a slightly enhanced service. The enhanced service would cost a little more but provides additional background heating and other benefits.

Have your say

Please take part in our survey to tell us which service you would prefer by 11.59pm on Sunday 9 June.

Each household can only respond once – either online, by email or by post.

Costs of each option were provided with the information you will have received in the post. Copies of these are provided for tenants for each system type, and leaseholders covering both system types, in the Documents section on the right hand side.

A document with frequently asked questions is attached for information.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 12 Jun 2024, 12:40 PM