Safer Spaces survey
We know that crime and anti-social behaviour is of concern to residents and visitors of Tollington. Islington Council and the Metropolitan Police are aware that drug dealing, and drug use are of particular concern.
We are working closely to coordinate a multi-agency approach to address the issues affecting residents and visitors. This has included increased police presence, the use of enforcement powers to disrupt criminal activity, outreach patrols to engage with vulnerable people to offer support and engaging with businesses affected by the issues.
We recognise that hearing concerns and experiences of residents in the ward is key to us being able to effectively respond to your concerns, and that being update residents what actions we have taken as a result of your feedback is vital in improving community confidence.
The Tollington Safer Spaces web page is a pilot project aimed at improving communication enabling us to update residents on a weekly basis and identify those locations and concerns that are most important to our community.
We want to improve this tool and if it is useful use, it to improve our approach to tackling antisocial behaviour in other parts of the borough.
How you can get involved
We are asking you to support us by completing this survey to tell us how we are doing and what more needs to be done.
The feedback we receive will help us direct our efforts to improve this approach and how we communicate using this platform in future.
We hope to use what we have learned from this survey to inform action plans and target resources to address the issues identified.
We will be building on our existing relationships with residents to generate ideas and support for these plans and communicating the outcomes as widely as we can.
There will be a lucky draw on the Tuesday 7 of January and one participant who has completed this survey will receive a £50 voucher.