I haven't heard whether my idea has been successful yet - what is the delay?

    A general election has been called for 4 July 2024. All local authorities are restricted in the communication they can have with their residents in this time. Unfortunately the Islington Greener Together Team have been advised we will have to wait until after the election to advise you about whether your idea has been successful or not.

    We will let you know shortly after the election.

Project ideas

    I have lots of ideas, can I submit them all on one application?

    We need to assess each of your ideas separately, so will need you to submit a fresh application for each idea. This will include providing all the supporting information requested as well. It may be better to discuss all your ideas with your neighbours and as a group decide on the preferred one and make an application for that.

    I have a great idea but no one will help me maintain it, what can I do?

    Unfortunately the council will only progress with ideas that have strong and ongoing commitment from several local residents. Through Islington Greener Together the Council has committed to delivering sustainable greening ideas, and ongoing support from the nearby community is key to that success. There may be other council schemes that are better suited to your idea. Try speaking to your local councillor - details can be found on the council democracy pages

    I have an idea but it is on private land - can I apply to get it built through Islington Greener Together?

    Unfortunately the Islington Greener Together programme is only for ideas that the public will be able to enjoy. To get your idea built on private land, you may have to self-fund your project. If you think it is something that may get support under another council programme, speak to your local councillor. Details are available on the council democracy pages.

    I don't have an idea but I would like to volunteer to help greening projects in the borough, what can I do?

    Led by our partners Groundwork London, the Islington Greener Together Champions (IGT) project will enable residents who want to volunteer with the training and support to help to manage and maintain green spaces across the borough. Here is the link to the Groundwork Islington Greener Together Champions project page where you can find out more information and enrol to become a Champion.

Application form and downloadable documents

    I can't find the application form, where is it?

    The application form is accessed by clicking on the green 'Complete form' button on the bottom left of the page.

    I have extra evidence to show community support - how do I upload it?

    Please send any additional evidence of community support for your idea to GreenerTogether@islington.gov.uk 

    What file types can I upload with my application?

    The common file types that can be uploaded are:

    • Text Documents - PDF, MS and OpenOffice Excel (.xls, .xlsx), MS and OpenOffice Word (.doc, .docx), MS and OpenOffice PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx)

    • Audio Files - mp3, wav, x-wav

    • Video Files - mp4, mpeg, mov (Quicktime), flv

    • Image Files - jpg / jpeg, gif, png, bmp

    • Other- zip, xml

    I have tried to submit my application but the system won't let me

    There are some questions on Page 4 that you don't have to answer, but all the questions on pages 1-3 are mandatory,, so you have to answer them. Check through your application to make sure you have answered all the questions properly. Under each question there is some more detail in what you need to provide. In some questions you need to upload a document, other you need to check some boxes. The system won't allow you to submit your application until it is complete. If this doesn't work, please email greenertogether@islington.gov.uk 

    I would like a paper version of this application and supporting documents, how do I get one?

    We can send you the application and supporting documents in the post - please contact us at greenertogether@islington.gov.uk

    I can't open the pdf documents, are they available in a different format?

    Yes we can provide the downloadable documents in word format if necessary - please email greenertogether@islington.gov.uk and we'll send them to you.

What happens after I have submitted my idea

    What happens now I have submitted my idea?

    You should received a confirmation email from the team to confirm your application has been received.

    All ideas will be assessed over the next few weeks and a decision will be made about which ideas will be built. If the team need any further information from you they will be in touch. If you don't hear anything for a few weeks after that initial email confirming receipt, don't worry.

    Letters will be sent in early June to let everyone know if their idea will be built or not.

    If I am told my idea won't be built, can I appeal?

    The assessment and shortlisting process involves people from all the teams in the Council that need to be consulted about whether building your idea is possible.

    Considerations such as underground utilities nearby, flooding risk, environmental impact, road safety, traffic flow, pedestrian walking routes, cyclists, available budget, potential for anti-social behaviour, parking issues and future investment plans for the area all need to be explored by the council officers who work in these areas.

    By the time a decision is made, all avenues have been exhausted and it is very unlikely that an idea will be taken forward once the assessment process has identified it as unfeasible.